
Is A New Nigeria Possible? By Tope Adebayo

new Nigeria signifies or indicates a Nigeria currently existing whose operations is either becoming obsolete or useless to the now yearnings of the populace.



We all marvel when we heard that at a certain stage of this nation’s existence that Nigeria was the giant of Africa because nothing in the present indicates there was ever a Nigeria that dictated the direction of the continent. If this was true, how did we degenerate so fast to a nation where everybody is demanding for a New Nigeria? These thoughts should activate a deep conversation on the concept of the New Nigeria.

The context of New is always in relations to an already existing model that is either becoming useless or obsolete to the now. A new Nigeria signifies or indicates a Nigeria currently existing whose operations is either becoming obsolete or useless to the now yearnings of the populace. The truth is if not all, a major multitude is desirous of the new Nigeria which is looking like a dream that will never happen.

When Lord Lugard created the political space called Nigeria in 1914, it was a new thing that was birthed with the hope of creating positive movements and milestones in the mind of the people of the land. Yet less than 150 years after this formation a lot of questions are being asked – where we really ready for the union?

What is the major hindrances that has made this great nation crawl despite been blessed with great natural resources? These questions amidst others brings pains to our heart.

Many thought that the exit from military regime and the emergence of democracy would herald the beginning of the new desired but it became worse as the leadership expectations and the state of the nations began to dwindle and we are where we are today and everybody is asking “Is New Nigeria Possible”?


Let’s go to the past and identify nations that despite the muddiness of their progress navigated and became the toast of nations. If they could do it, we can learn one or two lessons from them to build ours too.
In the early 70s, the leadership of a land full of sand approached the leadership of another country with oil and excess money to invest in a vision they have created for their land but the leadership of the country then laughed it off saying they can’t invest in sand. Today the vision of Sheikh Zayed and HH Mohammed Bin Rasheed All Maktoum took the sand filled country to a place of relevance while the other country now takes solace in going there for investments, holidays and tourism.

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There is a country that was swampy and everybody saw nothing meaningful in the land. A certain Lee kuan Yew was not satisfied with the seen and engaged the unseen to build a land full of opportunities. Today, the country had become one of the most prosperous nations, with a highly developed free market and strong international links. It has enjoyed an open and corruption free environment, stable prices and a per capital GDP higher than most developed countries. Singapore is presently no longer a swamp defined country but a skyscraper coloured country with abundance.

Can Nigeria become great again?

The Nations that adapted the New concept and direction concerning their existence engaged a leadership mix of new mindset, methods, policies, deliveries and monitoring. Nigeria is presently enjoying the apogee of a leadership mishap caused by the old Nigeria – the old Nigeria is not one created neither by age nor tribe but by a conscious mentality that embraces and encourages a pattern of thinking and production that created the old Nigeria we detest now.


In order for a new Nigeria to emerge, a new influence must emerge and the only influence that can change the direction must emerge – a new leadership must emerge. Nigeria is presently governed by individuals who decide to do whatever they deem fit and the strength of the leaders determine the direction of the country whereas leadership is a system that births a mindset and mentality that drives narrative that births newness. A new leadership that understands how to bring the future into the now and lead the people from the now to the future must take over the wheels of this country. This is where a foundation for a new Nigeria comes to play.

Great nations have great visions because there is the America dream, there is a Dubai dream, please what is the Nigeria vision? Vision is what prepares a nation for creating and sustaining the future. This new leadership engulfed with a burning vision would drive the need for a Nigeria with a compelling vision that is built on values that builds and not destroys. This vision must be beyond the definition of now and ignite hope into the heart of the led.
The truth is no leadership emerges without someone equipped with the new and can create the new – leaderships rest on the oars of people who have the burden of the land. For a New Nigeria to emerge, people with the new mindset, new content and new shifts must be given the space to govern. We can’t continue to build the new on the old – kole work…..

Nations that made significant strides from under-developed to developed countries have systems that work. A New Nigeria must be scientifically modelled to create and maintain systems that would govern the operations of the economy. A new Nigeria must be intentionally crafted to be able to accommodate the growths the new bring. Most of the systems we operate on in Nigeria now are obsolete and can’t carry the weight of the New.

When last did you hear people on the street speak hopefully about becoming anything their talents and skills can make them? Long right because Nigeria is presently a land where meritocracy doesn’t work. A new Nigeria must be one that opens you to the opportunity of the land and you have the hope of accessing and attaining the heights you set for yourself. A new Nigeria is only possible when opportunities are not segregated to a certain people, tribe, religious affinities but through your skills, talents and your capacities.

The New Nigeria must be built on commitment to doing the right things, excellent culture, adherence to values, living the now from the spectacles of the future and last we must have leaders who are both emphatic and committed to the visions created for the new Nigeria.


The old must either be allowed to die naturally or be forced out and the truth is the old operating in Nigeria is always changing forms and expressions and it must be forcefully and intentionally forced out for the new to have space, power and the will to emerge.

Is New Nigeria possible – yes it is very possible only when the major players including the leaders and the led take a major stand in the direction of progress, prosperity and we intentionally do away with the carriers of the old because the old has no place in the emergence of the new.

Tope Adebayo, a young leadership consultant, writes from Lagos.

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